9/11 memorial south pool

Remembering 9/11 in NYC at the Memorial Pools

There have been countless books and articles about 9/11. Everyone has a story to tell, where you were at the time, and how scary it was. It’s hard to believe that many young people have no memory of that sad day. I guess it’s similar to what the greatest generation felt about WWII.

nyc 9/11 memorial pool
9/11 Memorial South Pool
9/11 memorial south pool
9/11 Memorial South Pool

We live in challenging times today. I don’t think many folks would dispute that. Everyone seems at odds with each other. When the Towers fell, America was wounded in a way that I don’t believe we have ever recovered from.

9/11 memorial north pool one world trade
9/11 Memorial North Pool, and One World Trade
9/11 Memorial South Pool
9/11 Memorial South Pool

When you visit the 9/11 Memorial Pools, you can feel the reverence and solemnity at the site. The gaiety of visitors is muted. Chatter slows, stops. People walk about quietly, and many take a moment of silence, staring into the pools.

9/11 memorial south pool
9/11 Memorial South Pool
9/11 Memorial South Pool and 9/11 Museum
9/11 Memorial South Pool and 9/11 Museum

It’s easy to get lost in the vast space of the pools. Staring across to the other side, which seems so far off, brings home the hugeness of our loss.

9/11 Memorial, World Financial Center
9/11 Memorial South Pool, World Financial Center

Today is a day for remembrance. For contemplation. And in the end, hopefully, for resolve that we can somehow heal and stand together again as a country, as we did in the weeks that followed 9/11/01.

9/11 memorial south pool
9/11 Memorial South Pool

Thank you for reading. I hope you’ll subscribe, and come back for photos of real people, in the real NYC.

9/11 memorial south pool
9/11 Memorial South Pool

All photos property of debbieinthecity.com; all rights reserved.

6 responses to “Remembering 9/11 in NYC at the Memorial Pools”

  1. This is such a moving tribute to September 11. It IS hard to believe some people didn’t know what life was like before.

    All of your posts fascinate me and are reread. But this holds a special place in my heart. It is so poignant. The photos are crystal clear and flawless. But your prose really hit me.

    I’ve never been to the Memorial. Do wish I could be there and pay my tribute. Thank you for perfectly sharing your experience.

    • Thank you, I wanted this to be visual, but I also felt the need to talk about how our country needs to come together again, and this is a place where it hits hard.

  2. I wish we could go back to the days following Sept. 11th, when all Americans came together as one and treated each other with compassion and respect.