Bride and Groom, Grand Central Terminal, August 2021

Best Places for Wedding Photos in NYC

If you’re looking to run away from it all and get married in NYC, the options are endless. With more than 120,000 weddings in the city each year, I’ve run into quite a few. Here are a few of the best spots to take your wedding photos.

Weddings at the NY Public Library

Many Saturdays you’ll find wedding parties posing for photos at the New York Public Library. Right on 5th Ave, in the heart of Midtown, it doesn’t get much more picturesque. The stately stairs, the fountains and statues add a true feeling of grandeur. I captured this magical moment this past weekend and it feels like a real classic. No permit is required to have the wedding here, but it’s safer to have the ceremony outside of opening hours.

August bride, New York Public Library
August bride, New York Public Library

Wedding photos at Battery Park

This couple got married in July 2019 and are posing for their photos at Battery Park, the most southern tip of NYC. The colors of dusk and her languid posture make this my favorite wedding photo I’ve taken.

No permit is needed to get married in Battery Park.

July bride, the Battery, NYC
July bride, the Battery, NYC

Getting married at Central Park

Another popular spot for wedding photos is the Bethesda Terrace at Central Park. It’s got a classy brownstone feeling, and the sheer size of the grand staircases form a fabulous backdrop. You feel you could be in Europe. And if it rains, you can duck under the arches!

The terrace was built in 1862, it was constructed during the Civil War. Can you imagine? The stairs contain stone balustrades with carvings of birds and plants. Jacob Wrey Mould (the Met architect) designed the details to represent the seasons: lambs’ heads representing spring; butterflies and berries for summer; holly leaves, pine boughs, pine cones, and birds for fall; and firewood for winter.

Wedding couple on the Bethesda Terrace, Central Park
Wedding couple on the Bethesda Terrace, Central Park

A beautiful April bride, I hope she is always this happy! Central Park is the #1 destination for couples looking to tie the knot in the Big Apple.

Bride, Bethesda Terrace, Central Park
Bride, Bethesda Terrace, Central Park

Central Park has at least a dozen incredible locations you can get married at, or just visit to have your wedding photos taken. The Shakespeare Garden, The Gapstow or Bow Bridge, the list goes on. You will need to get a permit from the Central Park Conservancy.

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Weddings at Grand Central Terminal

I’ve seen maybe a half dozen wedding parities taking photos in Grand Central Terminal. I always think they must have some romantic memories here to choose this spot. The hustle and bustle and curious commuters (not to mention nosy photographers as well) makes it a challenge to get the shot just right. But it definitely makes for unique photos!

You can’t actually have a formal wedding at Grand Central, but you can host a private event there. And I’m sure, if your wedding party is small, that some place like the Whispering Gallery or a corner in one of the balconies would work just fine.

Bride and Groom, Grand Central Terminal, August 2021
Bride and Groom, Grand Central Terminal, August 2021

Another happy couple getting married in the heart of Grand Central Terminal. I like how the iconic clock is right behind them. So perfect for wedding photos! It was New Year’s Eve 2021. The holiday atmosphere makes it extra special, doesn’t it?

Bride and Groom, Grand Central Terminal, New Year's Eve, NYC 2021
Bride and Groom, Grand Central Terminal, New Year’s Eve, NYC 2021

A Civil wedding at the NYC City Clerk’s office

I love that across the street from the city clerk’s office is the Wedding Garden, in Foley Square. It’s a space just large enough to take a photo that will last a lifetime. NYC still has a 24 hour wait between obtaining a $35 marriage license and the ceremony. The license is good for 60 days and can be used anywhere in NY state. Appointments are required. Seriously interested? This photographer’s website has a great readable article on how to get married in NYC here.

Bride and Groom, Wedding Garden, Foley Square, NYC, April 2023
Bride and Groom, Wedding Garden, Foley Square, NYC, April 2023

Popping the Question at Rockefeller Center

I’ve seen bridal parties waiting to head up Top of The Rock at Rockefeller Center – it’s such an iconic location – but never saw anyone pop the question here like this! I felt honored to be there in July when this happy couple made it official.

Wedding engagement, Top of The Rock, NYC July 2023
Wedding engagement, Top of The Rock, NYC July 2023

The look on her face is priceless. Like most locales, you cannot setup tripods or reserve a specific spot. The footprint of the observatory floors here aren’t very large like some of the other skyscrapers in town, but most people show respect and keep a distance. But you’ll definitely be cheered by the crowd. And photos will be taken!

Wedding engagement, Top of The Rock, NYC July 2023
Wedding engagement, Top of The Rock, NYC July 2023

Getting married at Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park abounds with scenic locations for photos. Besides the Brooklyn Bridge, there’s Pebble Beach, Jane’s Carousel, and the scenic spot on Washington Street is a few blocks away. The legalities of getting married are the same here as in Manhattan. Again, this neighborhood is super popular and usually pretty crowded, so for the best photos you’ll want to schedule for “after hours”.

Brooklyn Bride, April 2023
Brooklyn Bride, April 2023

The Whole Nine Yards Wedding

I was fortunate enough to be taking photos when this couple and their entourage pulled up this weekend outside of Grand Central Terminal. It took a while for them to get her ready for the photographers…

Bride and Groom, Grand Central Terminal, NYC August 2023
Bride and Groom, Grand Central Terminal, NYC August 2023

All I could do was look at their beautiful cameras. Some day!

Bridal photography, Grand Central Terminal, NYC August 2023
Bridal photography, Grand Central Terminal, NYC August 2023

I love this photo. Look at her beautiful smile! And the lady working NUTS4NUTS has the best view in the house. I bet she sees all kinds of wild things working outside Grand Central Terminal.

Bridal photography, Grand Central Terminal, NYC August 2023
Bridal photography, Grand Central Terminal, NYC August 2023

All in all, if you love the city scene, you have a million great locations to choose from. And though there are usually crowds, there’s no charge for the exciting and beautiful locations. I hope you’ve enjoyed looking at these happy couples and their beautiful surroundings. Where have you seen wedding in NYC

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5 responses to “Best Places for Wedding Photos in NYC”

  1. The Central Park wedding is so lovely. I think I’m partial to the low key ones. Maybe that’s why my favorite photo is popping the question at Rockefeller Center … so natural, touching, non-boujee.

    Love the local color of NUTS4NUTS. Ha, that’s probably what the vendor is thinking! Only you would be eyeing the cameras!!!

    In all my years of visiting the City, I’ve only seen several weddings at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Really enjoyed the bridal parties queuing up on the steps.

    Worked with such a nice handsome guy at the bank in the 70s. His dream was to marry at the Cathedral and celebrate afterwards at Tavern on the Green. Wonder if David ever did.

    Thank you for sharing the many sides of what Romance is to couples!

  2. What stunning photos! I really love how you managed to capture such different varieties of wedding photoshoots and attire. Really, we know it’s such a small piece in the puzzle of everything else that happens in the city.

    • Thank you! You’re right, there is so much that goes on in NYC in a single day it’s impossible to know it all…but I’m glad for every piece I see and share!