grand central terminal

Happy 111th Birthday Grand Central Terminal!

The stately and beautiful Grand Central Terminal is 111 years old today! The Terminal opened to the public on February 2, 1913. Can you believe it? On it’s opening day over 150,000 people flocked to see it.

grand central terminal clock
Grand Central Terminal Clock

The wonderful clock that rests atop the Information Booth was built in 1913 by the Seth Thomas Clock Company. A rumor circulated for a long while that the face of the clock was opal and worth millions, but was finally debunked. One of the Vanderbilt’s acorns is at the peak of the clock. The acorn was chosen as the family crest by Cornelius Vanderbilt, builder of the original Grand Central, and America’s first tycoon. The family motto was “From small acorns come mighty oaks,” 

Grand Central Terminal was one of the world’s first all-electric buildings. These modern chandeliers are based upon the original ones, in which all the bulbs were visible. There are ten in this lovely style in the Terminal and each have 110 bulbs.

There’s so much more to say and show about Grand Central Terminal, it’s truly one of the most beautiful places in New York City. But I just wanted to share a few photos and say “Happy Birthday Grand Central! See you tomorrow!”

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