statue of liberty

The Battery Settles in for Winter

As my readers know, Battery Park is my zen spot. It’s where I clear my head of the week’s static, and get my camera juices flowing. I get such enjoyment from seeing the foliage change, week to week. Now the plantings in the Battery have been trimmed, cleaned, and are ready to hunker down for whatever winter may bring.

The Battery Bikeway

viburnum battery park
Viburnum still putting on a show.

I wasn’t too happy to see that a tree had been taken down here. The tree helped to separate the bikeway from the Urban Farm. Maybe I’m a little sensitive because with the leaves gone, the private bikeway seems so much more exposed to the crowds of statue-seekers.

Battery urban farm
Downed tree between the Battery Bikeway and the Battery Urban Farm
Grasses, Battery Bikeway
Grasses, Battery Bikeway

I’d never seen seeds like these before! The anemone seeds were like cotton fluff that fell apart at the touch. Very cool.

anemone seeds
Anemone seed fluff, Battery Bikeway
northern mockingbird on lamppost, battery park
A Northern Mockingbird gives me the eye.

A last look back at the Battery Bikeway. At center is the stately Whitehall Building (1902), 17 Battery Place, and at left begin the residences at Battery Park City on the water.

Battery Bikeway
Battery Bikeway, Battery Place
seaglass carousel
Warm, faded tones at the SeaGlass Carousel

The Water’s Edge

The Battery Coastal Resilience Project isn’t expected to be completed until 2025 and I miss walking the Promenade. However, great views of the Statue of Liberty are still to be found!

statue of liberty ferry
Miss New Jersey ready for a load of tourists.
statue of liberty
Statue of Liberty, from the Battery
bosque fountain
Rich autumn colors at the Bosque Fountain
oak leaf hydrangea battery park
Oak Leaf Hydrangea, Battery Park

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The Battery Woodland

The lawns are closed at the Battery Woodland. Beautiful 17 State Street (1988) in the rear.

battery woodland
Battery Woodland
battery woodland
Still richly green and so peaceful.

I’m almost around the whole park now, and stop a while to watch the dogs play. I watched one dog bring his ball up to 3 or 4 other ones, and drop it for them to play with. They took turns running with the ball while the others gave chase.

battery dog run
A great day to chase a ball!

Watching them put a big smile on my face, they seemed so innocent and happy.

The hyacinth bean vines have been cleared away from the Battery Urban Farm gate! Glad I got some seeds my last few trips.

battery urban farm gate
Battery Urban Farm gate
fig battery park
The Fig tree has been pruned for the winter

The holly tree is feeling the season. I am, too! I’m looking forward to my next stop – the huge Christmas tree in front of the NYSE. Stay tuned!

holly tree battery park
Holly tree, Battery Park

Thank you for walking with me today! I’d love to hear your comments and what you liked most. Please consider subscribing!

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One response to “The Battery Settles in for Winter”

  1. The first Battery Bikeway photo is so inviting. Wonderful you have a zen spot, let alone in the big City. Seems every season there has its own beauty. Maybe you can recreate bits of it for yourself with “the seeds”.

    Thank you for sharing your “Secret Garden”.