Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

Tulip Festival at the West Side Community Garden

A chilly drizzle wasn’t enough to mar the beauty of the blooming tulips on the first day of the annual Tulip Festival! Come walk with me through the West Side Community Garden and see the incredible beauty.

The Garden

tulip festival NYC 2024 west side community garden
Entrance to the West Side Community Garden on West 90th Street

The West Side Community Garden is located at 123 West 89th Street, between Amsterdam and Columbus avenues. Just a few blocks from Central Park, it was a no brainer to visit before a trip to the Park.

tulip festival NYC 2024 west side community garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

The Garden was founded in 1976 on a vacant lot filled with garbage and stripped cars.

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

The Dutch settlers had called the area “Bloemendall”, meaning valley of flowers, later called Bloomingdale by the English.

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

Many of the tulips are yet to open, but the colored buds have a beauty and promise all their own.

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

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Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

The bulbs are re-planted each autumn, and eagerly awaited in the Spring.

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

The West Side Community Garden spans the width of the block between 89th and 90th Street.

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

The rain doesn’t slow down the fun

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Enjoying the Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

The vegetable and herb beds

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

The vegetable garden and herb bed also hosts a handful of children’s school plots. This is time of year when gardeners are filled with excitement and eagerness to turn the soil and get the plantings in.

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
The vegetable and herb plots at the West Side Community Garden

The members of the West Side Community Garden are able to use the greenhouse at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. They start many of their flower and vegetable seeds there.

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

Firecracker Tulips!

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

These incredible firecracker tulips truly were like tongues of fire!

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

The festival is supported by Con Edison and the Lily Auchincloss Foundation, and also by many individual donations.

Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden
Tulip Festival, West Side Community Garden

How to visit the Tulip Festival

The Tulip Festival runs from mid-April through early May. The tulip festival is free, and the garden is open from 10 am until 6 pm. You can find out more on their website, West Side Community Garden.

How to get there

Subway: C, or B (weekdays only) to 86th Street or 96th Street; 1 to 86th Street; or 1, 2, 3 to 96th Street. Bus: M11 or M7 to West 89th Street


West Side Community Garden

Photos property of debbieinthecity.com unless otherwise noted. May not be duplicated without written permission. Any links or mention of products or services are for information purposes only and not an endorsement.

2 responses to “Tulip Festival at the West Side Community Garden”

  1. What a beautiful time of year! Always looking forward to seeing the new flowers pop up. Thank you for sharing the beauty from the city.